Friday, February 22, 2008

Friday Friday hip hip hooray!

I just have to say this week shaped up into a pretty, I won't say great, but oddly enjoyable week. Yesterday it was even warm enough to let the kids play outside. If there's a repeat today I may even take them to the park. I have to say the best part of my day yesterday came in the rare form of one of my daycare kids (generally not one that makes me have good moments) We were doing crafts and it occurred to him that I did not have one... "Tiffy why isn't there ever enough for you?" He thought I got left out. I was touched that he even cared whether I had one or not, most of the kids would have never noticed. Small and simple things.
We don't really have a big weekend planned. Basketball tomorrow and that's about it. But there are a couple movies out that I'd like to rent. Juno is playing at our local theatre, but I don't know if I'm up to leaving the kids so I can watch it alone. I would really like to see it... we'll see.

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