Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Well this week is mid over and I can't believe it. It goes so quickly by. I don't know about this time passing thing, if it keeps speeding up then I won't have time to do anything. The kids had the barfs this week. Which is so no fun. Lucky 1 didn't get it. That would of been bad, hopefully she still doesn't get it. I really have been super lazy this week. Not getting anything done. I watched Fever Pitch 3 times, and that is my big accomplishement. I know sad, I think my mind is on vacation. I haven't gone anywhere, I just don't have my act together. Hooray for mind vacations, hooray for time, hooray for the barfs, hooray for life. Good or bad hooray for life.


tif-do said...

I spoke to soon as of 30 minutes ago 1 has it! Yuck!!!

Pen-nut said...

I hope she gets better soon. And you know it's good to take a brain vacation once in awhile, especailly when the kids are sick. Yuck!!

leaner said...

Really when the kids are sick- what can you do? You have to be there for them- and often theat means not being there for yourself. Your brain gets lost in the shuffle and decides "hey I am totally not needed today! lets go for ice cream!" and you have no idea when the bad boy is coming home!
Sorry the kids are sick though!

lvh said...

Just chill and don't worry about anything but enjoying life and taking care of those little ones. Everything else can wait. Time does pass way too quickly - our 4th summer in Montana and we did nothing this year except work on this place (oh well, I hope the next people who live here get to enjoy the place).