Okay all you wonderful blogging family members, where do I start. Where do I go to find out if this college thing is for me, where is the starting line? How do I begin? Who do I speak too? I need some direction!
And don't think you'll hurt my feelings by stating the obvious, because this is a world I'm totally oblivious too!
18 years
6 years ago
Figure out if you want to take online or in class classes, and check out closest college (I don't know which is closest to you.) THey probably have a website that will answer questions, like if you will need to take entrance exams (probably, to find out what math and Eng classes you'll need to take.)
That should get you started!
Best of luck to you on your quest to locate your passion.. As I have done all the preparation to go to school myself (up to the actual signing up for classes), I offer a few tips..
Colleges suggest you fill out a FAFSA. ---
"The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is the first step in the financial aid process. Use it to apply for federal student financial aid, such as Pell grant, student loans, and college work-study. In addition, most states and schools use FAFSA information to award their financial aid. For introductory instructions on how to complete the FAFSA online or on paper go to Completing the FAFSA, 2006-2007 at http://studentaid.ed.gov/completefafsa "----
Also, go ahead and pick up a "SAT" study book from any book store, the kind with the practice tests. You'll have to take placement tests for math and english so this is a good way to refresh all those things you've forgotten. That way you don't sit there during your test swearing at the paper as you try to remember how to divide fractions..
Anyway, don't give up. You can do it.. After all you are Queen of the PTA.. (I prefer to think of you as the queen. The PTA president is some snooty stiff looking down her nose at everyone.. )
Love ya,
I can tell you what not to do, don't look at classified and say "oh, look, they need a lot of these kinds of people so that's what I'll study. Odds are unless it is something in the medical field, by the time you finish school, there will be more people trained for that profession than there are openings. At your location, I would definitely look into taking online classes and get the basics done - english, math etc then you can move on - besides, that will give you more time to determine what it is you want to be if you ever grow up. Love ya
Should you decide to go the online course route, make sure the credits for the courses you take transfer to the University you plan on attending once you move beyond your AA degree. Some of the online colleges and private schools are not accredited and their courses will not count at a Univesity. Going with your closest community college is your safest and least expensive starting point and many now offer online programs.
Also, don't sweat it when you test into remedial math, I tested into intro to algebra even though I had calculus in high school. We all forget the basics once we have been out of school for a while.
Just call your nearest college and ask for a catalog and to set up an appointment with an advisor. Sometimes they are quite helpful with pointing out what you need to do and when.
good luck and love you,
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