Thursday, August 31, 2006

I wish there was good news, but the fire just keeps growing and growing, the wind has slowed, so maybe it will give the fire fighters a chance to get ahead of it. I got this picture off the internet. It's a pretty awesome display of this fire. Kenneth came home for a few hours today and took a nap. He left about a half hour ago to go back out there. A fire page went off today for a residence. I couldn't help but think, right this very moment someone's home is burning to the ground. It really made me wonder what I would take if I were evacuated, what are the most important things? We are safe here beings that the wind is blowing the other direction. But it's a scary thought, and I know at least a bus load of kids from my kids school are not sleeping in their own beds tonight. Alex's Human- I'm dancing my little heart out, no rain in sight.

1 comment:

lvh said...

I thought that was an awesome picture also when I saw it this morning. 3 years ago - August 11, 2003 to be exact, we were coming back from your folk's place after having dinner and saw smoke over our way. As we got closer, we realized it was the hill right behind the house that was burning. When we arrived here, the neighbor said they had been advised to evacuate. She was loading up her horses and ranchers were moving cattle down the road to get them out of this area. I asked John if we should leave and he said, "How would we decide what to take? We'll just stay here and do what we can." We were fortunate that the wind turned the fire just as it started coming down the hill towards us. 3 years later, I'm still in the process of getting every photo in the house scanned into the computer - then I can be sure to get them out of here in the event of an emergency - they are the only things that aren't replaceable.