Thursday, August 17, 2006


Maybe saying "give me that rock" wasn't the smartest part of my day, as I get clocked in the side of the head with it, while being yelled at in alien vocab. But it did wake me up, to what had been a pretty lazy, overcast, sit and do nothing (except catch up on soap opera's it seems to have been ages that I've watched) day. We did walk to the pool early this morning (when I say early I mean 9:00, which isn't early at all, but it seemed early). But that's really been all. I've been on the internet trying to find a fabulous installation ceremony for PTA next week. But I haven't come across anything fun yet. And when googling installation ceremony (use your imagination) you never know what your going to get. So if any of you creative people out there have ever done an installation of officers, give me a clue, because honestly at this point I'm quite clueless, and it may be due to the throbbing pain on the right side of my head. So I have til Monday to figure that one out. I have come to the understanding that this will be a interesting year in all aspects of the word. I really am beginning to feel no ambition at all, not that I had much to begin with. I like having little responsibility. It's better that way, because I quite frequently go into overload with little things. What's that saying "mountain out of mole hill." That describes me perfectly. And it seems to me that lately that mole has been making a lot of hills.
Maybe my sweet little 2 year old should pound all the moles with that rock of hers...


Elise said...

Is throwing just a stage or something? Any time Collin is mad at me he throws something. Half of his toys have been taken away cause I am afraid of injuries. Anyway good luck with your thingy. Maybe a scout website would have a fun idea for you?

abeNanna said...

Maybe you should just throw rocks at them. It would get their attention wouldn't it? No, probably not a good idea. Good luck.