For the last week I've really questioned my decision to care for a small one in my home. I thought, wow Kasey plays so nicely by herself. I might of actually started to get some things accomplished this year while the kids are at school. The funny things we bring on ourselves. But today, being the first day with little KK here was actually okay, and when the big kids go back to school on Wednesday I'm sure it will be just fine. She was a very good little baby, and Kasey didn't seem to jealous. I know there will be moments of craziness, but I think it will be fine. Then on the other realm of things tonight's PTA meeting was a bust. I really planned well. I had a great agenda, and my candy bar installation ceremony was creative and fun. But only 6 out of the 18 board members bothered to get their lazy behinds there. I wanted to scream. Some meetings are very effective with only a few members there. But this one was not, I had to many things I needed help with, and not enouph people to volunteer. I did get to finally meet my new vice pres. and she did seem very enthusiastic. So that will help. I know it will get better, I just have to be better at reminding people about it, I guess I just figure they are grown ups, they should be able to remember, after all they did volunteer to do this. But I guess I need to play nice and coddle them for a little while. I feel like a big complainer, because it's all stuff I bring on myself.
On a much better note, Grandma C. is coming on Wednesday and I'm super dooper excited to see her. A year is too long to not see your Grandma.
18 years
5 years ago
And G'ma can hardly wait to get over to spend time with you and your family. To get better acquainted with those 4 little (well some not so little) children. I'm sure she won't sleep a wink tonight. Time is going so quickly it's unbelievable. See you in about 24 hours.
What a bummer about your PTA meeting; that must be so frustrating! Sounds like daycare will be a snap. I've found the best thing is routine routine routine! If your little one sleeps, put down the visiting chid at the same time! You need some what of a break for yourself. Please say hi to your Grandma for me; I don't know if she'll remember me, but I remember her! We had great Branch Christmas parties at her house. =)
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