Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Cold Cold and Cold

Saturday it started out a lovely -16 degrees, as I drove from home. Now that's cold. I have no desire to be outside in the cold, let alone drive a car full of teenagers to the city on ice slicked roads. But that's just what I did. It was okay. But after all was said and done, I didn't feel comfortable staying in town until dark, grocery shopping. So I came home with half the months grocery list. That's the first cold. The second one is the head cold that I've been battling for about a week. I thought it was mostly cleared up, but now it has settled into my sinus's where I'm sure it will turn to infection, if I can't get it cleared soon. What's the remedy for clearing clogged nasal ways. Yuck Cold! Last but not least the 3rd cold, is the feeling in my spirit I always get this time of year. I guess another word for it is winter blues. Blues are always cold. I'm like a hermit couped up in the house most days, and the one chance I get to venture out, it's -16. Honestly time for a trip to Honolulu or I will make an exception and go to the tanning booth. I need some heat, even artificial to warm this white booty of mine. From one cold blogger, have a freezing day!

1 comment:

Amie said...

Poor girl, it's been cold here but you win! -16, wow! I hope all your colds clear up!