Wednesday, March 21, 2007

This cake tastes funny!!!

Well after being a total antisocial for at least the last year without much attention paid, I decided to go to my little branches RS birthday dinner last night. I would like to say it was so much fun that I can't wait for the next one, but it really was kind of well... short of excitement. Unless you take in account that we all could have been food poisoned. I really do try to blend with these women, but I feel somehow lacking in the religious knowledge department. Do I really need to know the history of the RS??? Will that make my faith stronger? I truly have faith, but its not because of the knowledge I possess on scriptures, or history, or anything like that. My faith completely derives from the closeness I feel to my Father in Heaven. I can't recite scriptures or articles, I don't know the motos for the different auxiliaries, but I do know that I can pray, I do know that my prayers are answered. I don't have a familiarity with church doctrine. But it is through my simplistic faith that I make it through the everyday struggles.


Pen-nut said...

And in the eternal perspective of things Faith and working towards being the best we can be is all we need. We aren't going to judged on our knowledge - thank goodness. The person that you are is loved by our Heavenly Father becuase of who you are, not becuase of someone else. So just keep standing up for who you are and the testimony you have, you have a strength and faith that many of us would love to have. Love ya!!!

Joxer's Human said...

Sounds to me like you know all the important things. It's who you are, not what you know that really matters... Though, while reading this, I suddenly thought how bizarre it would be if there was an entrance exam to heaven :)

abeNanna said...

I am not old enough to go to Relief Society. I don't know what it is, but I have only been called to play the piano or lead singing in RS. I have never been called to teach or serve in any other capacity in RS, so I haven't "caught the vision".

Our birthday celebration is a pajama party. Can you picture that? They want us all to show up in our pajamas and they are having pizza, popcorn, etc. Probably the same two women will sing a song or do a skit, the rest of the women will sit around in their lingerie and stuff their faces with popcorn. We will learn that Charity Never Faileth (yes I know the motto).

I am like you on this one. I know the church is true, I have a strong testimony of Jesus Christ. I rely on faith for so many parts of my life. I will be there next week - but not in my pj's with the monkeys on them, sitting in the back stuffing my face with pizza and popcorn.