Thursday, March 16, 2006

Prom Night!!!

Last night I had a dream that I was at my senior prom. It was so weird. There were a lot of people there, All dressed up, and I was in my normal jeans and a oversize t-shirt. I woke up before I ever danced or anything, now that I think about it, I don't even think I had a date.
I kind of wonder what it would have been like to go to my prom. Probably not a big deal. I'm sure if I had went I wouldn't be sitting here saying, wow I'm sure glad I went to prom. It's almost prom time here. So who went to prom. Did you have fun, who did you go with, details please? If you didn't go like me, why not???


Joxer's Human said...

Nope, didn't do the prom thing.. Went to a winter formal dance once with Steven what's-his-name... And that's about how much fun I had. Can't even remember the guy's name.. After that I wasn't interested in the whole notion of formal dances...

Joxer's Human said...

How come this is saying no comments after the post, when I left one that I know I can see.. Or at least I think I can see it.. I'm half asleep so this may all be a dream..

leaner said...

I went to junior and senior proms, junior was a total bust, no dancing and my date was the lamest guy ever! EVER! The only redeming factor was that it was all planned as a double date with Carter, so we had fun nonetheless.
Senior, well lets just say I went with a really good friend and ditched him to go hang out with my new boyfriend (I left my date at the prom! LOL) I didn't even stay until the start of prom (i only paid $13 for my dress, I'll post a pic from it sometime! LOL)
I had a high school dream the other day, about my old pal Ryan M. We never dated, but in our yearbook there is a pic of us holding hands? Weird... actually there are a few pics of him and I in there. :)