Sunday, July 23, 2006

Camp and whatnot...

Well I returned safely from girls camp. It was really quite fun. It was probably just the break I needed. I made new friends, and had a lot of fun. But most of all I truly felt a type of healing while I was there, a healing of old wounds, that I've needed for a long time. I came back refreshed, and happy. I appreciate my family a little more, and just am at a general happy place. Time away can do wonders. So that's that, and if they need me, I will go back again next year.
Wyatt leaves home for the first time tomorrow to go to Scout Camp. Oh am I a nervous wreck. But I no it's a right of passage and he will be fine. He probably won't even miss me. I think he is a little nervous but more excited than anything.
We all went school shopping yesterday, (I know I have a month yet, but that's my personality) I think the kids are all set for school now. They got clothes, shoes and supplies. It was good, and it was actually a lot less stressful than I thought it would be taking them all in. My mom met me in there, so that may have been why it was less stressful. We had to go buy new bras, because we watched Oprah a couple of weeks ago, about the proper fitting of a bra, and I insisted that I must be wearing the wrong size. So I bought a couple of new bras and lo and behold I was wearing the wrong size, and I absolutely love my new bra. (34D if you were wondering). So that was that. And I picked up a couple new things for the baby I will be babysitting since I got rid of most of my infant things.Then last night I dyed my hair, because it was looking quite aweful and brassy. So I tried that new Natural Match, it's a little darker than I thought, but I really do love it too. All around I'm feeling great, and to top it off I have only had one Coke all week.


leaner said...

Funny how some time away can heal wounds.
LOL its also funny how we are all wearing the wrong sized bras! I wear a 32D (currently with milk-filled gams) and wonder what I will be when the milk dries up (32B?) Oh well, it is nice to have a bra that fits well! Especially if you have inherited teh saggy baggies,like me!
I haven't tried teh natural match hair dye- i am all about natural instincts, Nutmeg of clove fade just right on my hair and it will appear that I haven't dyed it ever. (plus they add just the right amount of shine!)

Anonymous said...

Yay, Tif! Congrats on a nice week away where it looks like you found yourself again. Congrats on your new bras (just makes you feel good to wear new underwear, doesn't it?) and congrats on your almost-coke-free week. Looks like you've got it together, wow, school shopping done already! Way to go, girl. =)