Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Wow... it has been the perfect summer weather for the last 2 days. Nice Warm wonderful weather and not a complaint will be heard from my lips about it. I am not going to use the word goal, because if I say goal, the naughty rule breaking Tiffaney wants to not do it (shame shame on me) but I will say my summer (gosh what other word means goal but isn't goal) my summer ambition (wow that's a big one), is to walk... and believe me that's a tough one. But I'm on day 2 of getting up before the kids, and walking, and I feel pretty darn good about myself. Yesterday I went alone, and today Hubby went and then I turned around and walked with a friend. I did walk a couple of times last week as well. I really would like it to become so habit and routine that I don't even think twice before rolling out of bed, throwing on my tennis shoes and heading out the door (oh and somewhere in there I would get dressed because no one wants to see me walking around town in my stripey pjs I'm sure). So what a great start to my day. And really beyond that didn't do anything spectacular, but it's just good to be into the summer days now. Have a few little home projects that are going around in my head right now, that I hope to soon be working on, mostly sun room stuff (hopefully it's stuff that will get done and I can show pictures). Yay for summer, ambitions, and projects... YAY!


Anonymous said...

Yay for you! I can't wait to see how your projects turn out.


Michelle said...

So glad to finally see your blog. I got a kick out of the countdown at the bottom. I'm just glad it's finally going to end. I need closure in stories!

And yes, no complaints here about the weather. Finally!